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Future of Drones


  • Future:

There are ten major development fields of drones:


1) Agriculture:

Drones can be used for supervising situation of plants and control the disaster level. Some countries where has huge area of farm ground try to use drones as farmers growing plants automatically.



2) Energy industry and infrastructure:

Using drones to receive video of dangerous place (like pipeline or oil tower). In google case, google’s drones can play as potable Wi-Fi station which moves around developing countries to offer internet connection.



3) Estate industry:

Immediately monitor the project process and as a convenient to check skyscraper’s outside status. To improve living quality,



4) Emergency services:

Drones can go directly into disaster area and searching for survivors. Besides, drones can complete the early warning systems. By drones’ wild range cover and high mobility, it is more possible to get the information before disaster happen.



5)News industry:

Drones can get the live video stream more safety and faster inside war area or breaking news.



6) Delivery and logistic:

Drones can be used to deliver food or medical essentials to faraway villages. Besides, it also can be used in the commercial logistic field like DHL and Amazon can use drones to deliver online shopping stuffs.



7) Photography and movie:

Drones can easily reach somewhere hard to get and get the visual from varies angles.



8) Science research and environment protection:

Drone is a useful device for scientists to track environment change, wield animal migration and natural statistics. Drones also can equip with different sensors like heat sensors which help archaeologist find ancient stuff.



9) â€‹Legal usage:

Drones can play as a hidden tracker of criminals and also can be used to collect crime evidences helping reducing rate of crime. With sensors on the drones, police can finish their duty easier and accurate, like drug sniffing drones – faster to catch drug dealers, or high speed chase drones – catch criminals efficient and beyond limitation of human energy.



10) Entertainment:

Drone is a new kind of remote machine which can be controlled like remote airplane or remote car. Some sports will introduce drones chasing players to improve the broadcast quality and level of entertainment.

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