Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
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First Mover Advantages and Disadantges
The first mover: DHL
In the commercial use delivery drones, DHL beats Amazon and Google to become the first one deploy drones in deliver items.
1) It is easy to catch market’s eyes on first mover which help DHL to advertise their delivery business.
2) Has good opportunity to earn more market share.
3) It is easier for first mover to set the industry standard.
1) The first mover of drones may face the regulation problem, because there are no pre-build laws for drones. It is possible for DHL face the bureaucratic delays.
2) The technology and business model are easily copied by its competitors such like Amazon.
3) The standard of drones has not been fully built. Therefore, DHL may invest on something that cannot be used in commercial operating and need to change into another design after.
4) DHL may need to educate their customers for using drones as daily delivery way.